Tuition rates are based on the student’s classification as an undergraduate, graduate, or professional student in addition to their residency classification.
Rates are found here.
Before charges are posted you can use the Tuition Estimator. Tuition estimates are based on the information that is input into the Tuition Estimator and the current tuition rate schedule posted on the Income Accounting website.
- Please look at your tuition/housing bill under your CIS, Student Homepage.
- Click on Tuition and Loans tile
- Select Tuition History to see the actual charges once posted.
Tuition charges are usually calculated for students on these dates.
Fall semester August 1st*
Spring semester January 1st*
Summer semester May 1st*
Services covered by Mandatory Fees are non-refundable. Students are required to pay them even if they do not use the services they cover.
You can visit the Income Accounting and Student Loan office, we are located in Room 155 Student Services Building. You may also call us at 801-581-7344. Or email.
Income Accounting office is the billing office for the Housing & Residential Education Office (HRE), if you have questions about your housing charges please contact the HRE Office
Please contact the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid by calling them at 801-581-6211.
Please have your UNID and FERPA pin in order to discuss the aid.
Please be specific in your question regarding aid to avoid being routed to another department.
Students are required to give permission before student information can be given to third parties such as parents. Students will need to go to CIS, click on the tile that looks like a person click on FERPA Consent to Release Form. The student will need to fill out the form. The student will need to create a Pin/Password, and add the parents name to the form, the student will need to give the Pin/Password to the parent. When the parent calls the parent will be asked for the Pin/Password.
Student may also set the parent up as an Authorized user, this allows the parent to make a payment on the tuition account.
For detailed information on Health Center charges, students should contact staff at the Student Health Center. The Income Accounting office does not have access to students' confidential health center records or information.
The University of Utah does not mail Tuition & Housing bills. All tuition and housing bills are created electronically and are available through CIS.
CIS can be found at cis.utah.edu.
Once logged in click on the Student Homepage, Tuition and Loans, Tuition History
Log into CIS, click on the Student Homepage, click on Tuition & Loans, Payment & Payment Plans.
This will direct you to our 3rd party vendor, once there click on View & Pay Accounts. This will pull up the current semester. Current Activity Details is what you owe at this time.
There is also Statement History this is a monthly statement that will show what your account is/was at the time the statement was run.
Your Account Balance is the total amount; this will include current and any previous semester balances that you owe. (For a breakdown of previous semester balances see instruction below.)
Please note: Your Account and Term Balances will change if you make changes to your class schedule, have other charges added, change your room, change your meal plan, or have your Financial Aid update. Please check your account regularly
To See Previous Tuition History:
On CIS on the Student Homepage, Tuition & Loans, Tuition History.
Click on the semester you would like to view, and your Account Activity will be listed. This will include all charges and credits on your student account (to date) for that semester.
Your Term Balance is the balance listed for the term you have selected to view.
For more information see How to read your bill.
Please reference the Academic Calendar
Housing charges are due the same date as the tuition due date. Check the academic calendar for tuition due date.
Any class(es) added after the tuition due date, is due immediately.
The University of Utah only has one tuition due date per semester. If you are only registered for 2nd session classes, you will need to have your tuition paid by the published tuition due date for the semester.
If the course is added after this date. Please allow one or two days for the tuition to be calculated then pay immediately.
See the Academic Calendar.
Late tuition payments are assessed a late fee based on the amount due at the close of the tuition due date. Late fees are 20% (not to exceed $75) and your classes may be dropped for non-payment.
You may pay online, at the cashier’s office, by mail, or over the phone.
To pay online:
Log into CIS click on the Student Homepage, click on Tuition & Loans, and then click on Payment & Payment Plans.
This will direct you to our 3rd party vendor, once there click on View & Pay Accounts. Click on Make a Payment. You may pay with a credit/debit card or ECheck. You may also be able to set up a payment plan here. By selecting payment plan.
Note: There is a convenience fee of $3.00 per transaction.
To Pay in person:
Payment can be made with cash, check/money order, credit/debit cards at the cashier’s office.
The cashier’s office is located in the Student Services Building (SSB) 1st floor north side of the building.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
To Pay by Mail:
Mail payments to:
University of Utah
Income Accounting and Student Loan Services
201 S 1460 E Rm 165
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5043
Checks or Money Orders should be made out to the University of Utah.
Please include the student’s name and student’s U ID number on the check.
(Doing this will ensure the payment is posted in a timely manner)
Over the Phone:
We can only take credit/debit cards over the phone
Phone number: (801) 581-7344
*Note during peak times the phone lines might be busy, it may be quicker to make the payment online or in person.
Yes. Card users are assessed a separate, non-refundable convenience fee of $3.00 at the time of each card payment for student account charges.
If you are using a Debit Card or Credit card some cards have a daily maximum limit. You will want to make sure you know what the daily limit is. If there is a daily limit you will want to contact the credit card company or bank to see if they will do a onetime daily increase.
eCheck’s are accepted online, for payment of tuition & housing charges. eCheck payments are also assessed a $3.00 convenience fee.
Your bank balance is not accessed at the time an eCheck payment is made. You are responsible for ensuring that adequate funds are available in your checking or savings account. Your eCheck payment will be accepted online and processed to your bank.
If funds are not available for the eCheck payment, or the account is invalid or closed, you will be notified by email one to three days after the original payment was made. When the University of Utah is notified by our bank of the rejected eCheck payment, usually seven to ten days after payment was made, a charge will be posted to your account for the full amount of the rejected payment. An electronic notification will be sent to the address on file with the University of Utah and a $20 returned eCheck fee will be charged on your student account.
Financial Aid takes priority TO PAY TUITION and HOUSING FIRST over personal payments. Credits caused by the credit/debit card payment made within the last six months, will be credited back to the original card, up to the amount of the credit/debit payment(s).
Payments made by check/echeck will be held for 15 days before a refund can be processed, to allow time for the funds to clear the bank account.
If you’ve received a scholarship from an outside agency, please mail the check to the following address:
University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Attention: Scholarship Department
University of Utah
201 S 1460 E RM 105
Salt Lake City UT, 84112-9055
To make sure scholarship checks get posted to your account correctly, it would be good to have the students name and ID number, if you have a copy of the award letter outlining the scholarship enrollment requirements and the term for which the scholarship is intended for this will also help.
The University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid will automatically split scholarship funds between the fall and spring semesters unless otherwise specified by the scholarship agency.
Please Note: Students need to report all scholarships to the scholarships office, if they were not already reported on the student’s award notice.
You may apply for a Short-Term Loan on CIS, Student Home Page Tuition and Loans, Short Term Loan Application follow all the instructions.
The University of Utah’s Nelnet (QuikPAY) system is not compatible with payments from foreign bank accounts. If you cannot pay your bill through a bank account in the United States, we recommend using Flywire.
Income Accounting and Student Loans Services
On Campus: Student Services Building (SSB) Room 155
Phone Number: 801-581-8786
Email: income@utah.edu Subject Line: Student Loan Question
Mailing Address: Income Accounting and Student Loan Services
201 S 1460 E Rm 165
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9054
You may make the address change on your monthly billing statement or you may contact our office.
Phone Number: 801-581-8786
Email: income@utah.edu Subject Line: Student Loan Question
Perkins loans are different from Direct Loans. The University of Utah collects the money for the Perkins loan. If you have Perkins Loans and Direct Loans you will be paying two different loan servicers.
You can make your loan payment online.
Alternatively, You may also make loan payment over the phone with a credit card, send a check with your monthly bill statement, or you can set up Bill Pay through your bank.
You will need to fill out the Authorization Agreement for Preauthorized Loan Payments form and attach a voided check.
When you first filled out your FAFSA you were asked a question on when you thought you would finish school. If you have this date approaching, you will get a letter saying your separation date is coming up. When you get the letter, you will need to contact our office to provide a more current date. If you have a Perkins loan you will need to complete the Perkins Exit on Mapping your future. If you have Institutional loans you will need to contact our office at (801) 581-8786 Perkins Exit Counseling
The Exit Interview Hold will not be released until the exit is complete.
You will need to contact our office at (801) 581-8786 to schedule an exit interview.
A deferment is a period during which you are postponing repayment of your loans, interest is not charged to you. A forbearance is a period during which you will make smaller payments than scheduled.
The type of deferment you are requesting will depend on the form you need to fill out. The types of deferment forms are Economic Hardship, Unemployment, School Deferment, Graduate Fellowship, and Institutional & Health Profession Student Loans.
You will need to fill out the forbearance request form, and submit the form with all your back up documentation. h
The last day to drop a class is the same date tuition is due.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar.
If you withdraw from school, whether you still owe tuition (or receive any refund for tuition paid) will depend on when you file your appeal form to have your tuition charges removed.
See the last day to withdraw on the Academic Calendar
See the Registrars petition process to withdraw passed the withdrawal deadline
See the Income Accounting appeal process
Yes, you are still required to pay your half of the tuition by the tuition due date in order to have your classes not drop.
BEFORE you decide to drop or withdraw from classes(s), please contact the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. The money you received for grants, loans, or scholarships may be adjusted or taken back (and may affect aid for future semesters.
Note: If you get a refund of tuition and fees after you withdraw, you may still owe the University of Utah money after you withdraw. You should not cash your refund until you know check with the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.