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Payment Card Acceptance Information

Take a moment to thoroughly review all the important information provided, ensuring you have everything you need to proceed with confidence

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards Course
This online course provides best practices for Payment Card Acceptance, including how to accept payment cards to protect your department and your cardholders from fraud.
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Payment Card Data – Keep & Don’t Keep

To remain in compliance with the Payment Card Data Security Standard (PCI), please follow these guidelines:


  • Signed receipts with only the last four digits of the credit card number. File by day.
  • Settlement reports that DO NOT have full credit card numbers on them.
  • Applications, forms, or other documents with credit card data that are appropriately redacted.*


  • Full credit card numbers on paper in a drawer or sitting on your desk for more than one business day. Destroy or appropriately redact* card numbers and security codes immediately after processing.
  • Forms, applications, or other documents with whole card numbers for more than one business day. Destroy or appropriately redact* after processing.

*Appropriate Redaction

  • Cut off credit card numbers, expiration dates, and 3-digit security codes from the form and cross-cut shred them.
  • Blackout or white out the credit card number and expiration date. Copy the form, cross shred the original, and keep a copy.

Follow the steps listed below to ensure that you and your customer are protected when you accept their payment card.

    • Swipe the card
      • By swiping the card you are capturing all the pertinent information for an authorization. It is the most secure method of accepting Payment cards. Checking ID is not required.
      • When a card is swiped, the cardholder’s name will print on the receipt.
    • Follow prompts
      • Entering the last four digits of the card # compares the embossed number on the card with the magnetic stripe information.
      • If the card will not swipe, key enter the card number and enter in all the information it asks for. By doing so, you will be using security prompts to make sure the person using the card is the cardholder, and it will cost you less money to process the card.
        • You may receive one or more of the following prompts:
          • Address: enter in the first set of #s of the cardholders BILLING address.
          • Zip Code: enter in the BILLING address zip code.
          • CVC/ CVV2: 3 digit number on the signature panel. Often called a security code.
    • Hold onto the card while the card is authorized and the receipt is signed.
    • Have the customer sign the receipt for you to keep.
    • Compare the signature on the receipt with the signature on the back of the card.
    • If the card says, “Please see ID”, ask for the ID and check the signatures and pictures.
    • Hand the card back with the customer copy of the receipt.
    • Keep the authorized receipt for your records in a secure location until the end of the day.
    • Print reports and settle (batch out) the terminal each day you have transactions. Make sure the terminal is also secured from customer/ unauthorized usage.
    • All receipts must be kept in a secure/locked location for 18 months with need to know access. Receipts older than 18 months must be shredded.

    What if the card is declined?

    If you receive a “Decline” response, do NOT run the card again. You may ask for a different card or another form of payment. Running the card over and over on the same day will not give you a different response. The customer may ask you to call the number on the back of their card for authorization…..

    *Remember: You MUST receive the authorization from the terminal or the Wells Fargo Help Desk. An authorization from the cardholder’s bank is NOT ACCEPTABLE and could result in lost revenue.

    What do I do if the terminal says “Call” or “Hold Card”?

    If the terminal does not give an authorization code, but says “Call” – call the Wells Fargo Help Desk for a voice authorization. You must then “offline” the transaction into the terminal. The help desk can help you with that procedure. If you fail to put the transaction into the terminal, the cardholder will not be charged.
    If the terminal says “Hold Card” you should call the Wells Fargo Help Desk and tell them you have a “Code 10”. They will walk you through what you need to do.

    Is it legal for us to have the full card number on OUR receipt?

    YES! Your department can have the full card number print on the receipt you keep, for research or refund purposes. It is the CUSTOMER receipt that must have only the last 4 digits of the card number, according to Utah Law.

    Problems you can’t solve?

    Call Wells Fargo’s 24 Hr Help Desk 1-800-451-5817

    • According to your terminal type, key in the card number.
      • Enter all the information you are prompted for. By doing so, you will be using security prompts to make sure the person using the card is the cardholder, and it will cost you less money to process the card.
        • You may receive one or more of the following prompts:
          • Address: enter in the first set of #s of the cardholders BILLING address.
          • Zip Code: enter in the BILLING address zip code.
          • CVC/ CVV2: 3 digit number on the signature panel. Often called a security code.
      • HINT: It’s best to keep the customer on the phone while you run the transaction. If that is not possible, you should get the customer’s phone number in case the card does not go through.
    • Keep the authorized receipt for your records in a secure location until the end of the day. You do not have to print a customer receipt unless you are mailing them a copy.
    • Shred any paper that had card information on it – especially the CVV/CVV2 code and full card number. If you have to keep the full card #, make sure it is stored in a secured location with the receipts with need to know access.
    • Print reports and settle (batch out) the terminal each day you have transactions. Make sure the terminal is also secured from customer/unauthorized usage.
    • All receipts must be kept in a secured, locked location for 18 months with need to know access. Receipts older than 18 months must be shredded.

    What if the card is declined?

    If you receive a “Decline” response, do NOT run the card again. You may contact the customer to ask for a different card or another form of payment. Or you may try on a future date to see if the card is accepted. Running the card over and over on the same day will not give you a different response. The customer may ask you to call the card issuing bank for authorization…..

    *Remember: You MUST receive the authorization from the terminal or the Wells Fargo Help Desk. An authorization from the cardholder’s bank is NOT ACCEPTABLE and could result in lost revenue.

    What do I do if the terminal says “Call” or “Hold Card”?

    If the terminal does not give an authorization code, but says “Call” – call the Wells Fargo Help Desk for a voice authorization. You must then “offline” the transaction into the terminal. The help desk can help you with that procedure. If you fail to put the transaction into the terminal, the cardholder will not be charged.
    If the terminal says “Hold Card” the card is declined. Because you don’t have the card in hand to hold onto, you don’t need to do anything at this point. You may decide if you want to call the customer for another form of payment.

    Is it legal for us to have the full card number on OUR receipt?

    YES! Your department can have the full card number print on the receipt you keep, for research or refund purposes. It is the CUSTOMER receipt that must have only the last 4 digits of the card number, according to Utah Law.

    Problems you can’t solve?

    Call Wells Fargo’s 24 Hr Help Desk 1-800-451-5817


How to Reconcile your Payment Card Terminal


  • Reconcile your Payment Card transactions daily.
  • Batch out or settle your terminal daily, or ensure it is set to auto-settle.
  • Send your settlement report with your daily departmental deposit form.
    • Ensure the settlement report does not contain the full card numbers.
    • The report must come from the terminal; it cannot be a report created from receipts.

STEP 2 (if you have more than one terminal per merchant account)

  • Log into Wells Fargo Clientline.
  • Print the FUNDING report for the day and total the amount of all your terminal settlements.
  • Send the Clientline Report as your backup with your Department Deposit.
  • For assistance with Clientline – view the online training here.

What if I can’t find a deposit or transaction?

Call the Wells Fargo Help Desk at 1-800-451-5817 or Income Accounting at 585-5686 for assistance.

What if we only use our terminal or register once a year?

No problem. Be sure Income Accounting and Student Loans has your account flagged as “Seasonal.” Your account will remain active for the next time you need to use it. No reconciliation during your downtime is necessary.

How to Reconcile Transactions Run through a 3rd Party


  • Enroll in Clientline and American Express Online Merchant Services (OMS).
  • Complete the training for using Clientline and American Express OMS.


  • Reconcile your transactions daily.
  • Your 3rd Party Vendor must provide a list of daily transactions. Pull a report or ask the Vendor for this list.


  • Log into Wells Fargo Clientline and/or American Express Online Merchant Services.
  • Find the funding report for the batch(s).
    *Remember: The deposit dates will be one or two days later than your transaction dates. Deposits are the NET amount of all the transactions within one business day, deposited by Card Type (Visa/MC/Discover and American Express).
  • Match amounts by day & card type from your reports to the deposits listed in Clientline.


  • Prepare a Departmental Deposit form.
  • Send the signed DR form with a copy of the Clientline funding report to Income Accounting and Student Loan Services.
  • Make sure that reports sent to Income Accounting do not contain the full card numbers.

What if I can’t find a deposit or transaction?

Call the Wells Fargo Help Desk at 1-800-451-5817 or Income Accounting at 585-5686 for assistance.

What if we only use our merchant account once a year?

No problem. Your account will remain active for the next time you need to use it. No reconciliation during your downtime is necessary.

How to Do Refunds

If a cardholder requests a refund, you must receive approval from a supervisor for dual control.

  • The refund must be issued to the SAME CARD number that was used in the original transaction.
  • The refund must be issued using the SAME MODE of processing that was used for the original transaction.
  • For Example: If the original transaction was processed online using UPay, a refund cannot be issued using your credit card terminal. The two modes of payment have different merchant numbers, and the refund may not be recognized, resulting in a chargeback.
  • The refund amount may only be UP TO the amount of the original transaction (not more than the original transaction amount).

The following items outline how a refund is completed for different modes of processing:


  • 99% of the time, a refund can be issued using the reference number on the receipt of the original transaction.
  • If the full card number is required, and you do not have it, please call the 24 Hour Merchant Help Desk at 1-800-451-5817.
  • Include the refund in your daily totals and on your Departmental Deposit.


  • If the original transaction occurred through UMarket, the refund must be processed through UMarket.
  • All UMarket transactions are processed through Income Accounting. Follow the refund procedure and send the refund request form to Sherrie Johnson:
  • DO NOT use another form of processing as a shortcut.

3rd Party Vendors:

  • Access ClientLine for your transaction summary. This MUST be included as your backup with your departmental deposit.
  • Be sure what you book with your departmental deposit matches the ClientLine report.
  • Include the refund in your daily totals and on your Departmental Deposit.
  • For access to ClientLine, contact Stuart Schrager: